5♀Stroke EXHIBITION 10/27-11/1札幌
5♀ストロークエキシビションHPアドレス http://ariwoodcut777.wix.com/5strokes-exhibit
To our GUEST,
Artists that to pressed by some exhibitions, they sometimes mind so-called daily life and family life, too. In such a case, what will they be doing?
Five women artists gather and are going to show the handicrafts for some reason here!?
The print is said to be work near industrial arts in the field of the art.
When I assume they have an original "stroke" its increase gender to be a woman here, may the aspect that has exhibit meaning social appearing for display more than category called just the art?
While thinking about the exaggerated, in that true, we wish that the making of carefree space is possible as time of "hobby & pleasure".
If you will be able to come this exhibition, we'll so happy.
From all the members of ‘5♀Stroke exhibition’.